ÍÑ¿ã°É’s unique community spirit is inherent in our vast network of committed parent volunteers. There is an array of opportunities for parents to be involved in College life, through the ÍÑ¿ã°É Parents’ and Friends’ Association (P&F) as well as numerous parent support groups established to assist with specific areas of endeavour such as individual sports, music or drama productions.


The ÍÑ¿ã°É P&F has supported the ÍÑ¿ã°É community for more than 60 years. Its purpose is to promote fellowship, foster community spirit, support students, families, staff and College programs. The P&F welcomes all new parents to be involved, either through volunteering or attending the many community events taking place each year.


ÍÑ¿ã°É Friends

ÍÑ¿ã°É Friends offers confidential support to ÍÑ¿ã°É families in time of need, illness and grief.

Some practical ways ÍÑ¿ã°É Friends can help include providing meals, picking up shopping, helping with the gardening or just having a chat.

ÍÑ¿ã°É Friends is always looking for volunteers who have a desire to help others—we would love to hear from you! Please visit the Parents’ & Friends’ Association page in Schoolbox for more details on how to access the service for yourself or a ÍÑ¿ã°É community member or for volunteering opportunities.